Friday, August 15, 2008

Rick Warren's Part in Event Criticized

Here is some interesting commentary on the upcoming interview with Rick Warren questioning Obama and McCain.

This Saturday will be one of the most important events in the 2008 Presidential Elections for Evangelicals. Saddleback Church, and Pastor Rick Warren, will be hosting interviews with both presumed candidates, Barack Obama and John McCain, calling it the "Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency.

"This will be the first time in a Presidential election that both candidates will be interviewed in a church by a pastor. Although this is a historic event, inviting Obama into Warren's church could prove helpful to Obama's campaign towards evangelicals.

"This invitation of Obama will ultimately harm Rick Warren because it will be used to advance Obama's aberrant theology by making him to appear to be within the pale of Christian orthodoxy. I am certain that Warren does not believe in Black liberation theology, or that you can be a Christian and support aborting innocent children and homosexual sodomy.

"It is interesting that Warren admits it was not his idea. Does it surprise us that it was the idea of liberal Meg Riley, President of Faith in Public Life. This association of Warren with Obama will only serve to confuse the differences between Obama and historic, biblical Christianity."

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